No pictures - Mostly rock scrambling
Pitch B - Traverse
No pictures - Mostly rock scrambling
Pitch 1 - Leaning Column (80 ft.)
(start of main technical pitches)
Pitch 2 - Durrance Crack (72 ft.)
Pitch 3 - Cussing Crack (30 ft.)
Pitch 4 - Flake Crack (40 ft.)
Pitch 5 - Chockstone Crack (40 ft.)
Pitch 6 - Jump Traverse (15 ft.)
No Pictures
Pitch 7 - The Meadows Traverse (200+ feet to the summit)
Summit (5112 ft.)
Rappel #1 (120 ft.)
Rappel #2 (140 ft.)
Rappel #3 (140 ft.)
Rappel #4 (140 ft.)
Looking up the Leaning Column pitch
The mountain's shadow in the early sunrise
Andy at the top of the Leaning Column
Waiting at the bottom of the Leaning Column pitch
Beautiful sunrise from the top of the Leaning Column
Panaramic view from the Leaning Column
Starting up the Leaning Column.
Almost there
Andy at the top of the Durrance Crack
Andy at the top of the Durrance Crack looking down at me standing on the top of the Leaning Column
A zoomed-in view of me still waiting to climb
A panoramic view of me at the base of the second pitch
I've finally started the pitch, which I always felt was the crux of the climb and the one that made me the most nervous
Almost there. Here I am trying to remove one of the cam protection devices. On all the pitches, I would collect each piece of protection that Andy put out. This last part of the pitch was the toughest for me and took the greatest amount of time. I had to try to wedge my body sideways in the large crack and use friction pressure on the rock to ascend. There was only one tiny flake for a foot hold but it always seemed to be an inch higher than I could reach. The only handhold was well within the crack but could not use it once my body was wedged in sideways. This was the only part of the climb where I actually took a "fall" (twice actually) when my foot slipped off of the rock.
Andy at the top of the Cussing Crack
Andy looking down at me at the bottom of the pitch
Another panoramic view of me waiting to climb
On my way....
Now a little traverse to the right, but the exposure was a little too much for me to look down at.
Just a short crack to climb to the end of the pitch
Looking up the Flake Crack
Andy at the top of the Chockstone Crack
Me at the base of the crack
Up and over
The Meadows Traverse was essentially a traverse hike and then some vertical rock scrambling to the top.
Andy heading up the vertical part of the Meadows Traverse
Nearing the last bit before the finish
Do the Dew.....
Andy Petefish